đĄDevelop with saaster
Guide to help you get started developing with saaster
To know which plan or which modules the customer has booked, you can query a struct. This gives you all the relevant information you need to develop your software.
There are two session structs in saaster with which you can get this data:
The session variable "currentPlan"
With the session variable session.currentPlan you get all the data for a booked plan. This is how it looks like:
Explanation of the variables:
bookingID | The primary id from table bookings |
endDate | The end of the current subscription (date) |
invoiceID | The primary id from table invoices, which is joined to the plan |
maxUsers | The maximum number of users within this subscription |
modulesIncluded | An array with all modules included within this plan |
nextPlan | A struct containing the data of the next plan if itâs another one |
planID | The primary id from table plans |
planName | The name of the current plan |
priceMonthly | The price paid monthly |
recurring | The current cycle of the plan; ecurring and status |
startDate | The start of the current subscription (date) |
status | The status of the current subscription; Recurring and status |
The session variable "currentModules"
With the session variable session.currentModules you get all the data you need. This is how it looks like:
Explanation of the variables:
includedInCurrentPlan | Whether the module is included within the current plan |
invoiceID | The primary id from table invoices, which is joined to the module |
moduleData | All data of the corresponding module as a struct |
moduleID | The primary id from table modules |
Struct moduleStatus: | |
| |
bookingID | The primary id from table bookings |
endDate | The end of the current subscription (date) |
fontColor | The font color is used to display a text in that color |
recurring | The current cycle of the plan; Recurring and status |
startDate | The start of the current subscription (date) |
status | The status of the current subscription; Recurring and status |
statusText | The status description to display to the customer |
statusTitle | The status title to display to the customer |
Recurring and status
We work in saaster with the term "recurring" to save the cycle of the plan or module. These values are used:
test | The plan is in test mode and will not be automatically renewed |
monthly | The plan is in a monthly cycle |
yearly | The plan is in a yearly cycle |
Furthermore, many different statuses exist to define plans and modules. These values are used as statuses:
test | The plan is in test mode |
free | There is a free plan running |
active | There is a paid plan running |
payment | Waiting for payment from the customer |
waiting | Waiting to start the plan (next plan) |
canceled | The plan has been canceled by the customer |
expired | The plan has expired |
Last updated