
All features at a glance

Saaster offers all the basic features you need to get your SaaS project started. The following list contains all this features.

General features

  • Registration process

  • Authentication per email and password

  • Password reset function

  • API Capabilities

Features for the customer

  • Edit personal profile

    • Personal information

    • Avatar upload

    • Gravatar integration

  • Password reset

  • Edit company profile

    • Company information

    • Logo upload

  • User and permission management

    • Invite new users

    • Edit users

  • Tenant management and administration

    • Create and edit tenant

    • Assign users

  • Manage invoices

    • View and/or print invoice

    • Pay invoice

  • Plans

    • Book plan

    • Upgrade plan

    • Downgrade plan

    • Cancel plan

    • Withdraw cancellation

  • Modules

    • Book modules

    • Cancel module

    • Withdraw cancellation

Features for the provider (SysAdmin)

  • System settings

    • Start of the invoice number

    • Prefix of the invoice number

    • VAT type default (incl., excl. or without)

    • VAT Pre-setting (net or gross)

    • Rounding factor for invoices (0.1 or 0.5)

  • Customer settings

    • Generate variables with a default value

    • These variables can be called up system-wide via functions

  • Languages

    • 1/n languages can be entered

    • Offer language for selection or not

  • Currencies

    • 1/n currencies can be entered

    • Choice of default currency

  • Countries

    • 250 countries incl. detailed data are already recorded in saaster

    • They can be activated as desired

    • Manual entry of new countries possible (probably not necessary)

  • Mappings

    • Create beautiful URL (SEF)

    • Access management of content via mappings

    • Customised mappings

    • System mappings

  • Translations

    • Customer-specific translations

    • System-wide translations

    • Mass translation via Deepl

  • Widgets

    • Creating widgets for the dashboard

    • Determining the size

    • Assignment to plans and/or modules

  • Logfiles

    • GUI for all logs

    • Log types can be defined by the SysAdmin

    • Log levels such as Info, Warning and Error

    • Automatic dispatch by e-mail if desired

    • Log filters such as date, type or level

Last updated