All features at a glance
Saaster offers all the basic features you need to get your SaaS project started. The following list contains all this features.
General features
Registration process
Authentication per email and password
Password reset function
API Capabilities
Features for the customer
Edit personal profile
Personal information
Avatar upload
Gravatar integration
Password reset
Edit company profile
Company information
Logo upload
User and permission management
Invite new users
Edit users
Tenant management and administration
Create and edit tenant
Assign users
Manage invoices
View and/or print invoice
Pay invoice
Book plan
Upgrade plan
Downgrade plan
Cancel plan
Withdraw cancellation
Book modules
Cancel module
Withdraw cancellation
Features for the provider (SysAdmin)
System settings
Start of the invoice number
Prefix of the invoice number
VAT type default (incl., excl. or without)
VAT Pre-setting (net or gross)
Rounding factor for invoices (0.1 or 0.5)
Customer settings
Generate variables with a default value
These variables can be called up system-wide via functions
1/n languages can be entered
Offer language for selection or not
1/n currencies can be entered
Choice of default currency
250 countries incl. detailed data are already recorded in saaster
They can be activated as desired
Manual entry of new countries possible (probably not necessary)
Create beautiful URL (SEF)
Access management of content via mappings
Customised mappings
System mappings
Customer-specific translations
System-wide translations
Mass translation via Deepl
Creating widgets for the dashboard
Determining the size
Assignment to plans and/or modules
GUI for all logs
Log types can be defined by the SysAdmin
Log levels such as Info, Warning and Error
Automatic dispatch by e-mail if desired
Log filters such as date, type or level
Last updated