
Tool to manage customers in saaster

A comprehensive tool is available for system administrators to manage the customers:

  • Data of customers

  • Users of customers

  • Invoices of customers

  • Plans of customers

  • Modules of customers

Data of customers

Click the Edit button to edit the customer's data:

For more details, click the company name:

Users of customers

When you opened the details of a company, click the register Users to view and edit a user:

You can only edit the salutation, first name, surname and email address.

Changing an email address does not trigger a confirmation email. Users may not be able to log in if they are not aware of the change of address.

Invoices of customers

Click the register Invoices to view and edit an invoice:

You have more options by clicking to the button Action:

  • Add a new invoice for this customer

  • Edit an existing invoice

  • Print an existing invoice

  • Send the invoice to the customer by e-mail

  • Delete an existing invoice

Plans of customers

Click the register plans to view and edit the customer’s plan:

In this tab you have the option to book, downgrade or upgrade a plan for the corresponding customer. Each available plan is displayed in a box. The button Action contains various options depending on the status of the plan:

Activate now (free)

The plan is activated immediately without charging an amount

Activate the test time (xx days)

Activate the plan with test time. Depending on how many test days you have given to the plan, the client can test for as long as they want.

Make invoice for monthly cycle ($ xx)

You can create an invoice for the customer first, which he then must pay. Only after the invoice is defined as "paid" the plan is activated.

Make invoice for yearly cycle ($ xx)

You can create an invoice for the customer first, which he then must pay. Only after the invoice is defined as "paid" the plan is activated.

Edit period

In the case of a plan that has already been booked, it is possible to change the term/period.

Cancel at expiry date

Cancel the booked plan at the expiry date.

Withdraw plan

Withdraw and delete the plan. Any credit balance will not be reimbursed and will also be deleted.

Modules of customers

Click the register modules to view and edit the customer’s modules:

In contrast to the plans, the client may have activated several modules. Here you can manage the modules.

Activate now (free)

The module is activated immediately without charging an amount

Activate the test time (xx days)

Activate the module with test time. Depending on how many test days you have given to the module, the customer can test for as long as they want.

Make invoice for monthly cycle ($ xx)

You can create an invoice for the customer first, which he then must pay. Only after the invoice is defined as "paid" the module is activated.

Make invoice for yearly cycle ($ xx)

You can create an invoice for the customer first, which he then must pay. Only after the invoice is defined as "paid" the module is activated.

Edit period

In the case of a module that has already been booked, it is possible to change the term/period.

Cancel at expiry date

Cancel the booked module at the expiry date.

Withdraw plan

Withdraw and delete the module. Any credit balance will not be reimbursed and will also be deleted.

Last updated